I am sure I have missed a lot of links on this page. Please help me find them! To add links to this web site just Email me and I will put them on this page. That includes links to your own web sites on granular synthesis. There are also some direct links to specific material on the Software, Books and Music pages. They are usually not duplicated here.
ICMA The peak international computer music body.
ACMA The Australasian Computer Music Association
Sonic Arts Network - The association of computer and electronic musicians in the UK
Electronic Music Foundation (EMF) - For all those great but obscure computer music CDs and information
Ircam - Located in Paris, Ircam is one of Europe's biggest and most productive computer music centres.
ZKM - Centre of Arts and Multimedia, in Karlsruhe, Germany.
CCRMA - Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics
WFAE - The World Forum for Acoustic Ecology - an international association of affiliated organizations and individuals, who share a common concern with the state of the world's soundscapes
WSP - The World Soundscape Project - established as an educational and research group by R. Murray Schafer at Simon Fraser University during the late 1960s and early 1970s.
R. Murray Schafer - Composer, Educator, Environmentalist, Scholar and Visual Artist. Remembering R. Murray Schafer
Barry Truax - Personal Website. Full of articles on granular synthesis, musical excerpts, acoustic ecology, the World Soundscape Project (WSP), gender studies in electronic music, and Glenfraser Scottish Terriers.
Damián Keller - One of the main researchers for eco-composition. Research and composition website.
Tallaine Opie - Granular Synthesis - My other passion!